Škoda India offers support for cyclone-affected customers

12. prosince 2023

Continues company’s customer focus and offering Peace of Mind to owners

Škoda Auto India offers support measures for cyclone-affected Chennai and Andhra Pradesh customers

› Continues company’s customer focus and offering Peace of Mind to owners

› Free Road Side Assistance pickup support even to customers who do not have RSA

› Company’s service network on high state of preparedness for heavy expected inflow

› Network geared to provide priority service to customers affected in the region Affected customers can contact 1800 209 4646 or 1800 102 6464

Chennai, December 12, 2023 – Following the unfortunate floods of Chennai, Škoda Auto India have announced free Road Side Assistance pickup to affected customers.

The manufacturer’s entire service network in the region has been activated to be on high state of preparation to cater to the heavy inflow of vehicles expected. This network will also offer priority service to affected customers in the region. Škoda Auto India has issued the necessary standardised repair guidelines across dealerships and has also deputed adequate manpower and spare parts.

Customers can contact Škoda Roadside Assistance at 1800 209 4646 or 1800 102 6464 for prompt reach and response. The free RSA will be active till December 31, 2023.